Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Ayurveda 8 Division

Basically people approach Ayurveda when they get tired of trying other means and have no single hope for recovery. Ayurveda is not only of great help to recover from disease it also help for long healthy life and to maintain health, the proper diet knowledge of Rasayana is necessary. So here in our next phase we will discus about how to maintain health to live 100 years with healthy body, mind and soul with the help of Rasayanal.

Ayurveda as a science of healthy life prevention and longevity is the oldest and most holistic medicinal system available which belongs to both body and spiritual healing. it was written form over 5,000 years ago in India, Ved Vyas wrote down the Vedas first time. Ayurveda originated from India and influenced ancient Chinese medicine system and medical system practice in Greece. That is why Ayurveda is known as "mother of all healing".

Ayurveda is a vast science so for convenient study of Ayurveda, it is divided into eight branches, which are collectively called as Ashtang Ayurveda. The eight branches of Ayurvedic science are as follows:

Kayachikitsa (Internal Medicine)

Shalya Chikitsa (Surgery)

Bala Chikitsa - (Pediatrics)

Graha Chikitsa / Bhoot Vidya (Psychiatry)

Urdhvanga Chikitsa - Treatment of eyes, ears, nose, throat and head (E.N.T.)

Damstra Chikitsa - Agad Tantra (Toxicology)

Jara Chikitsa - Rasayana (Gerontology)

Vrishya Chikitsa (Vajikarana) (Aphrodisiacs)

Ayurveda helps us in understanding each individual at a very subtle personal level and giving a detailed description about diet, daily routine, life-style, actions and activities to be followed. It's a science that teaches how to live life in a true and natural balance. Ayurveda aims at having a healthy and happy society free from diseases. Two most important aims of Ayurveda are: to maintain the health of healthy people and to cure the diseases of sick people.

Ayurveda as a vast science is divided into 8 parts for convenience to study it. All these 8 braches are collectively called Ashtang Ayurveda.


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