Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Ayurveda Routine

Ayurveda is the life science, which tells us about all details of our life-style and dietary habits. According to Ayurveda proper diet care and daily routine balance our body doshas and we can lead long healthy life without being affected by disease or illness. In today’s life its really hard to follow the instructions and switch to natural healthy diet because from childhood we are used to those tastes which we are using, We need to make up our mind for healthy routine: drink more fluids during the summer, avoid foods that are pungent, acidic or salty, wear light clothes and avoid strenuous exercise.

Practice a Daily Ayurveda Routine, which helps to keep good health
1. Good morning time - Wake up early in the morning before the sun rises at least one hour before, because this is the time when there is fresh and enough amount of oxygen in atmosphere.
2. Clearance of waste product - Drink 2-3 glass of water for proper elimination of waste product from your body. Notice for the constipation or abdominal problem, because this can be the indication of imbalance of body doshas.
3. Eye’s, nose and ear care - Wash your eyes with rose water, it will give relaxation in burning sensation caused by pollution and dust that you face every day or use onion juice mixed with honey to clean eyes. Use few drops of sesame oil with water while washing your ears. Use ‘Anu Tailam’ or ‘Shadbindu’ oil in the nostrils to clear sinuses.
4. Yoga for balance of body doshas and mind – After cleaning devote some time to yoga everyday for the doshas balance and mental peace. Ayurveda mentioned so many yoga postures for good health, but few can also be enough in daily routine to maintain health and dosha balance. ’Surya Namaskara’ is the one of the yoga exercises, which includes many yoga postures in one exercise and you will get all the benefits. ‘Paranayama’ is also important because it helps to develop dosha balance along with spiritual level. You require proper guidance to do it. Avoid exertion and excess of physical work; avoid sexual intercourse everyday in summer.
5. Importance of massage: Every day massage is also important as it open all skin pores and help to rejuvenate your skin and delay aging. Massaging also helps to stimulate the circulation in skin.
6. Breakfast: According to Ayurveda food is the important part of our daily routine, there are some well known Indian words about dietary habits which I would like to remind people here ‘jaisa khao aann waisa hoye maan’ meaning as you eat food the same is your mind. So let’s start your day with light food, which easy to digest by stomach.
7. Water after food: Do not drink water immediately after the meal, at least wait for 45-60mins, because at that time our stomach is in the process of digesting food and temperature reaches up to around 88-90 degree Fahrenheit (which is necessary for proper digestion) .That’s why the water is not advisable immediately after food. So, you can imagine if even water can affect the digestion process what the result will be after eating ice cream or deserts, which are fashion nowadays. So according to Ayurveda proper digestion is also necessary as much as the proper diet.
8. Employment and its atmosphere: In today’s fast life to earn wealthy life style people even forget about their health and diet habits. A person should try to get the employment with which he/she can manage health and diet, because if you don’t have good health you can’t earn good money without healthy body and mind.
9. Dinner – Today everyone’s dinner timing is completely disturbed due hectic schedule and busy life. The good time to have dinner is between 7-8 P.M.
10. Sleep- Some people have a bad habit to go to bed immediately after having food , if you are having food at around 7-8 P.M. then try to go to bed at around 10 P.M. Do not immediately lay down on bed. Proper, good and deep sleep is the sign of healthy body and spirit. Our body requires only 7-8 hours of good sleep without any disturbance.

Ayurveda Life routine depends on a mind-body assessment and constitutional type (dosha). Managing your stress, good sleep, daily routine, herbal supplementation and nutrition that suits your dosha type varies from person to person. Before adopting that life routine it is necessary to know your body type.

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