Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Ayurveda and modern life

In todays present scenario it has become really important for every one to maintain a physical and mental balance. With so much of pollution in the environment, food adulteration, untimely working hours and unhealthy lifestyle it has become mandatory for everyone to look after our health. That’s why the Ayurvedic dincharya( daily routine ) is to be followed in accordance with the present context.
Achieving a healthy long life actually depends on the extent to which an individual remains healthy in his day to day life. For achieving this, a controlled mind in a controlled body is essential. The ideal way in which an individual with a balanced constitution (Sama Prakriti) should proceed with day to day lifestyle is described in Ayurvedic texts. This can be modified depending on the constitution and diseases of an individual. For maximizing the effect of a soothing treatment, leading a healthy lifestyle is essential.
Ayurveda emphasizes that an individual should adopt healthy habits like regular routine schedule for sleep, proper cleansing practices, body massage, meditation, regular physical exercises, yoga, good clothing habits, a balanced diet depending on the weather, adequate intake of fluids, avoiding anger and stress and maintaining healthy relationships, sex life that is socially permissible and self education. Ayurvedic life-regimens are simple, non-invasive, non-traumatic and generally do not interfere with other form of treatment.
The holistic approach of Ayurveda involves usage of drug, behavioral changes and diet in tackling problems of mind and body to ensure vitality and good health. In Ayurveda, an illness is treated by four main procedures; cleansing (Samshodhana), Palliation (Samshamana), rejuvenation (Rasayana) and spiritual and psychological healing (Satvavajaya). When there is an imbalance of doshas, the lifestyles and dietary managements that are based on these doshas get disturbed.

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