Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Kaumarabhritya (Pediatrics)

Kaumarbharitya is also made with two Sanskrit word’s that is "Kaumar" + "bhritya". "Kaumar" means balak (child), "bhritya" means palan poshan. "Palan" means 'to cradle, to encourage, to protect' and "poshan" means 'to nourish, to cherish, to assist’. In this are described the treatment of the diseases of the children and their nursing - the method of the correct nourishment and bring up of children. In the case of infants several diseases may occur owing to the defect and default in the mothers' milk upon which it feeds. In this case, the mother also is to be treated for the benefit of the child. This treatment is also a part of this system. Kasyapa Samhita is the main text in this field.


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