Saturday, August 28, 2010

Benefits of meditation

The benefits of meditation have been known for many years and practiced by Indian Rishis. Now starting to become accepted in the west as a viable means to heal the body and heal the mind. There have been studies done that prove that a patient who uses meditation can reduce the healing time after surgery and also improve their chances of healing from any illness.
By relaxing the body in a comfortable position and calming the mind we bring about physiological changes that allow us to heal ourselves using only the unique powers of our body and mind. When practicing meditation, heart rate and breathing slow down, blood pressure normalizes, you use oxygen more efficiently. Also, your adrenal glands produce less cortisol, your mind ages at a slower rate, and your immune function improves. Your mind also clears and creativity increases. People who meditate regularly find it easier to give up life-damaging habits like smoking, drinking and drugs.

Meditation: enriching soul
While a meditative state is the natural outcome of yoga and the spiritual benefit of meditation is supreme bliss or enlightenment, these words are unlikely to be understood by many.However, progress towards meditation and meditative techniques have several benefits at the gross body or material level:
• Improvement of body luster and general health-When your mind focuses on a particular part of the body, the blood flow to that part increases and cells receive more oxygen and other nutrients in abundance. Today, many of the film stars and fashion models include meditation in their daily regimen.
• Improvement in concentration - Many of the athletes and sports professionals regularly employ meditation methods. Studies have found a direct correlation between concentration exercises (meditation) and the performance level of sports professionals. Meditation strengthens the mind, it comes under control and is able to provide effective guidance to the physical body to effectively execute all its projects. Psychological Exercises are a powerful way of improving concentration and improving mental strength.

Benefits of meditation on Women's health and Pregnancy:
Women begin life as someone's daughter, and then someone's lover, wife, someone's mother. Yes, but who am I- who am I really? Not only does a woman need an understanding of her body but also needs to connect with the essence of her true self. A true self, which is an identity beyond everyday change- beyond gender, beyond fluctuations of hormones, beyond family expectations and other superimposed personality patterns. Discovering this true self is not as easy. Just when you know who you are , it all changes again.
The process of self discovery involves, stripping off false layers of identity, going back through all the conditionings , realizing- "I am not that, and not that, and not that", an emptiness out of which arises the realization - "Ah ha! I am that". The place for this self discovery is not the psychiatrist's couch, the matrimonial bed, the mother's group, or even a yoga retreat, but within your own private meditation times.
Resolve Phobias:
Meditation can help to resolve the deepest of neuroses, fears and conflict which play their part in causing stress and ill health.
For mothers-to-be:
Meditation puts mothers in tune with their babies. Mantra Japa is especially appropriate for pregnant women. After birth, daily meditation becomes a precious time to refocus and make sense of the many new thoughts and feelings which can be running through your mind, brought about by the events of childbirth and new motherhood.

Some other health benefits of Meditation:
• Confidence and self control
• Improved concentration
• Inner certainty
• Ability to focus and work efficiently
• Ability to let go of negative emotions such as anger and paranoia
• Improved posture
• Greater enjoyment of the physical
• Better personal relationships
• Improved health
On a purely physiological level, meditation has been subject to many scientific studies since the 1960s. These have shown that among its benefits are lower blood pressure, alleviation of some pain, increased levels of the sleep hormone melatonin and lower stress levels.
However, it is worth knowing that severe depressives and people suffering psychotic illness have been shown in some studies to become worse after practicing meditation over a sustained period. If you are concerned about such rare negative side effects you should consult with a Ayurveda professional, but otherwise, the benefits of meditation can apply to anyone willing to devote some time to regular meditative sessions.

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1 comment:

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