Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Ayurveda and Five Elements

According to Ayurveda five element concepts is everything behind all creations in this universe. From a grain of sand to the complex anatomy of human being is made up with 5 Elements (Pancha Mahabhutas). When we look at the beauty of nature around us, these Elements (Pancha Mahabhutas) form the basis for all materialistic creation. We get nourishment for our body with foods which are generated from these elements, and eventually, our body returns matter from which it came. And at last when we die, our bodies return to these elements. Ayurveda recognizes these elements–
• Ether, Space (Akasha)
• Air (Vayu)
• Fire( Tejas, Agni)
• Water (Jal, Neer, Apa )
• Earth (Prithvi, Dhara )

Ayurveda discover the theory of five elements in ancient time. Ayurveda also observes the connection between these five elements within the human body physiology. The elegance of five element concepts lies in its simplicity of the basic principles, and the powerful analytical tool for body-mind and environmental assessment.
Each and Every element having its own importance and function in our body, Water is our life-sustaining nectar, making more than 70% of total body mass. Fire provides heat exists within all metabolic and chemical actions. Air element flows throughout the body, give movement to biological functions and feeding every cell with oxygen. “Space” (ether) is the essence of emptiness and main in all other elements. Ether is the most expansive without any form or boundaries, creates space for the other elements to fill. Human mind is also composed of ether. Ether is like an ocean on which thoughts and emotions ride like waves. Proper nourishment and emotional support acts as a container for ether. Satisfying and foods according to mood pacify ether as the empty space of digestive system. Emotionally, love is the best form of nourishment for all elements. These five elements also play roles in the different phases of life.
In Childhood, during the physical growth-water and earth elements,
In Adulthood when activity and change occur- fire,
And in old age when mobility impaired and the body begins to weaken- space and air element. Death is the time of ether. The body disintegrates and the elements flee their boundaries. All that remains is the subtly of our spirit.

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1 comment:

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